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Perfect Combos for Beer and Food Pairings

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Perfect Combos for Beer and Food Pairings

Deciding what beer to match with a meal can be quite a daunting task. It gets easier, however, if you understand a little about beer flavors and types as well as by following a few simple guidelines.


Hang around with beer aficionados for any length of time, and you will hear certain terms being used frequently. These concepts aren’t pretentious or just for show; understanding them can help you make a good food match with your brew.

  • Hops. The earlier these are added in the brewing process, the more bitter the beer will be. Hops can also enhance other flavors such as fruitiness.
  • Malt. Malt is a byproduct of barley, which is usually roasted before being added during brewing. It furnishes the beer with a nutty, toasty, often sweet and caramelized flavor.
  • Dark. To achieve this flavor, malt grain is roasted for longer, yielding a coffee-like, heavy or even chocolate taste.
  • Light. These beers are crisp, contain fewer hops and are lower in alcohol content.

Of course, each of these flavor types contains numerous variations and styles of beer that lend themselves to virtually any meal or occasion.


Experimentation is one of the best ways to figure out what beverage complements a particular meal choice. There really are no right or wrong solutions. However, these guidelines may help if you’re at a loss or lack confidence in your ability to make the best decision.

Pairing by contrast is one strategy that is often used. With this strategy, you need to take into account the dish you are serving. If it has a strong flavor, you can use your beer choice to bring it to the fore with an equally bold but different beer flavor. When you pull this off, both your food and your brew will taste even better.

For the novice, complementing can be a less risky choice. If you are serving a light entrée such as a delicate fish, accompany it with a light beer. Marry heavy foods to rich beers like stouts or porters, and serve sweet desserts with fruity or wheat beers.

Alternatively, you can use a crisp light beer to cleanse your palate after strong or spicy foods. If you have offered your guests a bitter IPA or dark beer and want to move to a light salad or dessert, consider tickling their taste buds with a fatty food such as nuts between courses.

Finally, be mindful of the potent flavors of the beer you are pouring. You don’t, for instance, want to craft a delicious and delicately flavored salmon dish only to blast it out of the water with an overwhelming stout.

If you’re new to the world of beer and food pairing, welcome to a lifetime of fun and experimentation that both you and your guests will love. For those who want to widen their beer horizons in order to make the best matches, joining a beer club that sends you a wide array of selections on a monthly basis can be a great way to get your feet wet. However, no matter what strategies you use, you are sure to enjoy years of variety, fun and delicious meals along with the beers you come to love.