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How to Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

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How to Prevent Accidents in the Workplace

Posture is another important part of not getting injured at work. The right office chair is also going to help you keep proper posture while working. Between the good head and frequent breaks, you will do a lot towards staying healthy and injury free.  A Workers’ Compensation attorney will be necessary for more serious injuries. Make sure you get the help you need from your company and also consult with a lawyer.

Repetitive motion injuries are caused when the body is forced to do the same action over and over causing strain on certain muscle groups, tendons, and bones. People who are fat, tall or larger overall stature already deal with these types of strains just from the size of their bodies. Big and tall office workers have to be even more careful about posture and correct furniture than anyone else.

The most important piece of office furniture to avoid injury is an office chair. For a big and tall person, an office chair is going to be a key in staying healthy and injury free. There are many places to find big and tall office chairs, and this is vital in having a long injury free career. Getting a big and tall office chair is the best investment that you can make for your room. A chair that is designed for a big and tall body is going to be more supportive and comfortable and allow for extended periods of working without distractions from your body being uncomfortable.

When you order a big and tall office chair make sure that it comes with plenty of flexible options which will allow it to be custom fit for your body. Armrests, head rests, seat size, final height, and chair height should all be adjustable. This will make it easier for you to have an office chair that will help you to avoid repetitive injury and be comfortable.

Another important part of preventing repetitive injury is to take the time to move and stretch. Getting at least ten minutes of movement or at least standing up every hour is going to help your body. When you are working on a long project and intensely focused on your job, it is hard to remember to get movement, let alone get up out of your seat. One tip for doing this is to set a reminder or alarm for you.

The most common injury in the workplace is not caused by accidents, but rather repetitive motion. Yes, that’s right. You are more likely to hurt yourself doing your day to day job than you are slipping and falling in the office. What might be surprising is if you are a big or tall person, this is even more likely. Worker related injury lawyers can help make the best of your situation and make sure you get the rest you need.